Wonderfully Foolish

July 28, 2011

            It’s almost seven, a late dinner by any clock; but the sun is still shining, so I head to the beach; a chair slung over my shoulder, for however long I choose to use it. Watching an old man groping his wife like a horny teen, I laugh. Not because it’s funny, but because it’s right, so perfectly right. We need to forget about the game, the next lap of the race. Turn around and look back. Rest on your laurels. After all, you worked so hard to get them. Smile like a child and laugh like a fool. Let your mind play tricks with you. Sit back and enjoy the show, or step on the stage and make up a role. Be a fool,; proud, mad, and thoroughly drunk on the life you live.

            Make the grass greener on your side.



July 28, 2011
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